Thursday, December 27, 2007

In Memoriam: Benazir Bhutto

Today I didn't check the headlines until early afternoon and I was startled and deeply saddened to read that Benazir Bhutto had been assassinated. Her ethics and track record were not impeccable but she brought hope to many people both inside and out of Pakistan. She was also a captivating figure on a world stage heavily populated by greying middle aged men. On a more personal note, when I was in graduate school many years ago another student told me that I resembled Ms. Bhutto. I remember feeling very flattered by that comparison.
Upon learning that she will no longer grace the newspapers with her elegance, I was inspired to see if, in fact, I really did share a resemblance. My skills at self-portraiture (via handholding my digital camera) could certainly be improved, as could my ability to properly position a headscarf. Below is a sliver of an image I came up with. I'll let you decide for yourselves the strength of the resemblance, if any.

May Benazir Bhutto, and all of the Pakistanis who've been victims of political violence, rest in peace.

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