Sunday, April 13, 2008


I am still marveling at the spectacle that was yesterday's weather in the Boston area. The day began gray and moist with a light drizzle. Then the precipitation stopped, yielding to brilliant sunshine and temperatures hovering close to 70. I had plans to visit a friend, indoors, and I was lamenting that I would not be spending much time outside. But by mid afternoon dark storm clouds had rolled in, bringing thunder and torrential rain came down. The rain continued but the sun came out. We looked for a rainbow but could not spot one. However, the naked trees outside had been transformed into diamond-studded divas as fat water droplets glittered on their branches in the sunlight. Driving home, the clouds returned, dropping monsoon-like quantities of water onto the highway. The grand finale came in the form of hail. Big balls of the icy stuff banged loudly on my windshield, as if they were desperately trying to get my attention.

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