Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Infinite Possibilities

Infinite Possibilities is the title of a set of CDs I listen to occasionally, to help reprogram some of the buggy software that runs between my ears, replacing ingrained thought patterns with something new. The basic message of the entire series is, "Thoughts become things. Think the good ones."

I live in an urban area where parking can be tough to find and it is something that many people complain about. Worse, many people will curb their plans out of the belief that finding a parking spot will be a hassle, if not altogether impossible, so they decide to stay home or do something less tantalizing, but where parking is ample. For awhile I fell for this line of thought, and often talked myself out of going to certain places during peak travel times, but these CDs helped me to challenge my mindset.

I decided to adopt the belief that I would always find a parking spot, that parking was something I would never have to worry about again. Since making that decision, I have always found a spot. Not only that, I frequently find an extremely convenient, if not perfect, spot. About two years ago I had to bring a dozen packages to the post office, and somehow I chose to get in my car around 5pm, just when traffic starts to get particularly thick and people are doing errands at the end of their day. The post office is on a crowded main road, with fewer than half a dozen spaces out front. As I pulled up, someone pulled out, and I found myself smack in front of the post office door.

Today, a similar thing happened. Driving to my yoga class, I noticed a car pulling away from a spot that was practically across the street from the studio. I slid into it the space, turned off the ignition, and took some quarters to feed the meter. But the meter had 34 minutes left on it, which was exactly how much time there was before 6pm, when parking becomes free. I like to believe that serendipitous events such as this one are more than just coincidences, that there is a benevolent force at work on our behalf, if only we can think about it and activate it.

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